One Mind One Soul

Come into my mind
Enter deep inside my soul
Feel my heart beating with yours
My love, we are now whole

In my soul come in deeper
Let our hearts reach it's peak
We are one mind and one Soul
One Heart with one heart beat

Our minds are locked together
With our souls and hearts as one
Does your soul also feel complete
I no longer feel empty and undone

I can feel you deep in my veins
Our hearts beating together as one
Your soul attached to mine
It is heaven my lover, you are the one

As our minds explore our souls
Feel the heat grow stronger
Touch me, thrill me satisfy me
Let my soul lose no longer

Opening my heavens door
Place your tongue inside me deep
And with your fingers
Gently explore my tender lips

Feel my wines run free
Drink them fulfill your desires
My wine is spilling for you
As you ignite my eternal fires

Let your rivers flow in me
As it mixes with my eternal soul
Feel the heat and passion of our minds
With our bodies joined together
Making love out of control


By maria vecchio artistry